Friday, January 4, 2008

Organize Your Life 650.11 Eis

If my friends knew that I had checked out a book with this title, they would assume that it was a fiction book. It isn't. We have lots of books at the Library that deal with de-cluttering and organizational tips and tools. I have several of these books at home. (I may not be able to put my hands on them right away but I do own some) Organizational books are one of my favorite genre of books. Why are there so many of them? My theory is this - there are the people who are natural born neat freaks. They cannot for the life of them imagine why someone would need a book to tell them to make their bed or put something back when you are finished with it or to get rid of clothes that haven't fit for 10 years or....... you get the point. Then there are the people like me. We think that the next trip to the container store or the next book (in this case) will be the answer to our dysfunction. It never really works which is why we always read the next book. This book is more up-to-date because it addresses the age of electronics. Everything else is what you would expect - make your bed, put things back when you are finished, get rid of clothes that haven't fit for 10 years.................... I haven't made any changes at home yet----------- maybe tomorrow I'll start. In the meantime I will continue to keep my eyes open for the next organizing book.

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