Thursday, July 24, 2008

King Corn dvd

This movie is a documentary that was shown on PBS. You will never look at your food the same way and you will be reading more labels. Two young men from the East find out through analysis of hair that they have a lot of corn in them! So they decide to find out more. Incredibly (it's a small world!) they both had great-grandfathers who farmed in the same small town in Iowa. They travel to Iowa and rent an acre to grow their own corn. That is sort of fun to watch. Then they get into feeding cattle (it's not nice what they do) and all of the corn syrup that is used for sweetening - can we say link to obesity and diabetes? This is not a fast-paced movie. There are many funny parts and it is educational - no wonder they say ignorance is bliss.
It is worth 90 minutes of your time.

The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton

I loved this books on two levels. First it is a warm fuzzy type book about friendships that last through the decades. I always relate to books like this one and reflect upon my own friendships that have lasted for decades - the unbreakable bonds that survive the natural ups and downs. The second thing I enjoyed was the timing. It starts in the late 60's and there are lots of references to "my" history - Vietnam, the women's movement, the moon landing etc.
Enough about me and on to the book! Five women begin meeting at a park with their young children. The one thing they have in common is their love of books. They form a writers' group. Through the years there are many changes in their attitudes, hopes and homes. Great book.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Names My sisters Call Me by Megan Crane

This book was a fast read and a very enjoyable way to spend a hot Sunday in July. In the book we meet the three sisters - Courtney, Norah and Raine. Norah is the oldest. She is married, a mother and obsessive about keeping her life in order. Raine is the middle sister. After making a scene at Norah's wedding six years ago, she took off with her life-long friend Matt. They headed for California and a hippyish lifestyle. Courtney is the "baby" of the family. Shortly after she was conceived her father left the family and he died before Courtney was born. She is a professional cello player. Oh, did I mention that the "Matt" that Raine took off with was also the first serious (and secret) love of her life? Well, Courtney has accepted the proposal of longtime boyfriend and wants her feuding sisters to come together for her wedding - and that is what the book is all about!

Untraceable (DVD)

The movie Untraceable stars Diane Lane as Special Agent Jennifer Marsh, who works in the FBI's cybercrime unit. Her job is to track down cybercrime and trap criminals at their own game.

Her talents, and those of her colleagues are tested when someone tips them off to a website called "Kill With Me", where viewers can watch someone or something die. The more people 'tune' in, the faster the person in front of the camera dies. Marsh feels a desperate need to track down the killer and bring him to justice before anyone else is made a victim--especially when it appears she's his next target.

This movie has great action and flow. The scenes where the victims are killed are gruesome, however, so avoid if you have a weak stomach. A very timely piece.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio by Terry Ryan

The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio tells the story of Evelyn Ryan and her family, told by her daughter. The family of 12 never had much in the way of money or possessions, but they had a mother determined to make their life meaningful. Evelyn entered as many contests as she could, writing jingles, rhymes, and poems to bring in money to feed and clothe her growing household. She won large and small contests, sometimes earning $1 for her writing, sometimes trips and cars, all sold to bring money into their simple lifestyle.

Terry Ryan, Evelyn's sixth child, tells the story of their life growing up with an amazing woman--a woman all the children call their hero for everything she did to make their lives happy. Evelyn, as reported by Ryan, took every situation life threw at her in stride, with confidence and optimism that things would work out. Raising 10 children practically on her own, she struggled and sacrificed to keep their house together. This is the true story of one amazing woman's life, and the impact she made on her children and their community.

A fantastic read. The subject matter seems depressing, but the book is written in love and humor. Many laugh-out-loud moments throughout, especially when reading the limericks, jingles, and rhymes Evelyn came up with to win. This non-fiction reads like fiction.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Sugar Queen b y Sarah Addison Allen

This is the second book by this author. I liked her first one, Garden Spells. This one also has some weird things that happen to the characters. Josey is 27 and lives a rather depressing life being at the beck and call of her mother. (The mother was the only character I didn't care for - but even she became more human as the book progressed). Josey's escape is the cache of romance novels and candy hidden in her closet. One day she finds a woman hiding in there. Her name is Della Lee and she a local waitress who has fled her life. Della Lee tries to help Josey change her life even though Josey is quite resistant.
In short, this is a book about love, family, friendship and weird happenings.