Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Weight of the Nation: To Win We Have to Lose by John Hoffman & Judith Salerno 362.196 Hof

I doubt many people will check out this book - and that is a shame.  It is an excellent book and very readable.  We all know that there is an obesity problem in our country.  This book helps to explain how we ended up here.  There are lots of reasons - how our children are eating under the School Lunch Program, the supersizing of meals, the tendency to eat out instead of fixing healthy food at home, the lobbyists who have done their job so well that we are more at risk than ever and I could go on and on.  The book certainly does not sugarcoat (pun intended) the reality of a weight problem.  The stories of some real people are told.  There are some interesting little tidbits included.  For instance, the clothing industry has also messed with our minds to make us think we aren't in that bad of shape.  Marilyn Monroe wore a size 10.  I personally own some clothes that are size 10 (depending on the brand and how far the elastic will expand!).  So Marilyn and I have something in common, right?  Wrong!  In the 1950's that size was made to fit a 23" waist!!  Today it would be a size 0.  If you are interested in the weight issue for yourself, or because of a spouse or children read this book.  If you want to see what is going to happen to future generations if this trend isn't stopped then read this book.  We are being sabotaged by food companies, restaurants, and schools (because of budgetary problems mostly).  It is a war.  War.  What is it good for?  Absolutely nothing!!!  Okay off my soapbox and out to get some exercise! 

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