Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ask Bob by Peter Gethers BCD FIC Get

I was looking for an audio book for a trip last weekend.  The description didn't excite me too much except for the fact that "Bob" was a vet (animals not military!) I am very careful with the animal stories I choose because if the dog dies then I will end up doing a lot of crying. (spoiler alert - the dogs are okay).  Well, I ended up loving this book.  It is read by Adam Verner who did a great job - a necessity if you are going to enjoy listening to a book.  I thought the main story would be about Bob's practice and the crazy people and animals.  There is some of that but it is mostly about Bob's life.  He comes from a rather dysfunctional family - although they look a lot better to him after he marries Anna and meets her family!  One of the parts of the book I liked best were letters in his weekly advice column that were interspersed throughout the story.  The answers he gives are as much philosophy as anything else.  There are parts of the book that made me laugh out loud and parts that made me cry -  what more could you ask for? So ask Bob!

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