Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Year of No Sugar by Eve O. Schaub 613.2 Sch

The title says it all.  Schaub's family (husband and two young school-aged daughters) undertook quite a challenge.  It began with a chance viewing of a YouTube video called "Sugar: The Bitter Truth".  All though you would have to be living under a rock not to know about the health crisis in the world caused by our diets, Dr. Lustig's presentation convinced Schaub that they had to try and do something.  The book tells the story of that year.  How they planned it out was interesting.  There are a lot of things to consider. They weren't just going to cut out cokes, desserts and lattes - they were going to try to not eat anything with sugar (and most of the other 'oses' ) in it.  In this day and age that is almost impossible unless you are willing to question chefs, waitress, school officials and your own relatives.  They were each allowed to choose a personal exception.  Eve chose wine, Steve (her husband) chose Diet Dr. Pepper (!) and the girls (with much encouragement from mom) chose jam. Of course to have somewhere to put that jam Eve needed to find a bakery that did not add sugar to the bread or to make it herself.
       This book is a story about the process - don't think it is just a book telling you not to eat sugar!  I found it interesting and it was a quick read.  I am in awe that a family of four pulled it off for a year!!!

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