Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Hundred Pieces of Me by Lucy Dillon FIC Dil

Gina Bellamy, divorcing from Stuart as we meet her, is moving from the couple's multi-room house to a much-smaller apartment.  Her soon-to-be ex-husband has moved in with his girlfriend and apparently wants virtually none of the household possessions.  This leaves Gina with an apartment packed full, floor to ceiling, of boxes containing all the miscellany that accumulates in some 30-plus years of life.

Daunted and reeling, Gina sets herself the task of combing through the boxes by her birthday and -- even more challenging -- of keeping only 100 items that truly make her happy.  Old love letters?  A glass vase that perfectly catches the light?  A memento of the father she barely remembers?

I thoroughly enjoyed this fairly light read.  Told in present tense and in flashbacks, we get to know Gina and the people and events that have made her who she is.  Full of likable characters -- well, mostly -- I had a hard time putting this book down.  And, it inspired me to clear out some of the clutter I've accumulated!  Okay, just one closet, but it's a start.

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