I read this book in an afternoon. It kept me interested from the beginning and it was an easy read - although the subject matter wasn't. The book goes back and forth between the present and the past. It begins with Rachel's announcement to her husband Simon that the pregnancy test is positive. Immediately a plan is made for Simon to stay home with the baby. It is not a natural thing for Simon. He feels very inadequate because he is not very social and finds playdates to be agonizing (when he actually goes to one). Jake seems to take after his dad and prefers to spend time by himself instead of playing with other kids.
When the story jumps to the present it is a text that sends Simon out the door in a panic. There has been a school shooting and parents are directed to go to a nearby church. Eventually the church begins to empty out as students are reunited with parents. Simon waits and waits.
The heart of this story is how a family tries to hold it together under the worst of circumstances. The question is how well can parents know their child? How responsible are parents for their children?
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