Friday, March 20, 2015

In Every Way by Nic Brown FIC Bro

Maria is a talented artist.  She wanted to go to Yale but instead she stayed in town to go to the University of North Carolina because her mother was on the faculty and one of the perks was reduced tuition for Maria.  She stayed there because her mom had been diagnosed with terminal breast cancer.  Added to that stress is the fact that Maria is pregnant by her (not too dependable) boyfriend, Jack.  Maria doesn't want an abortion because she thinks the baby might make her mom hang on longer than the predicted six months she has left.  Maria also doesn't want to be a mother.  So the obvious solution is adoption.  While looking through a list of potential parents Maria recognizes a picture.  She doesn't know his name but she knows that he is the one she has seen walking a distinctive dog in a town where Maria's mom's longtime friend Karen lives.  And that is the couple she chooses.  Maria doesn't ask for an open adoption.  As far as she is concerned it will be over when the baby is born.  But of course she falls immediately in love, so turning over the baby wasn't as easy as she thought.  Besides her mom is still alive - could it be sheer willpower so that she could see her granddaughter?  Her mom's health continues to hold and Maria suggests they go to visit Karen.  Can you guess where this is going?!

Although it was rather easy to make a good guess as to what would happen, it was an enjoyable book.  I enjoyed the characters and the ups and downs in their lives.  There are funny moments and sad ones.  And that is what happens in a mother-daughter relationship.

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