Sunday, January 24, 2016

See Me by Nicholas Sparks FIC Spa

I read all of Sparks' books and although this was quite a bit different than his others, I really enjoyed it.

Colin is your bad boy who is trying to stay on the straight and narrow.  He is working on a degree in education and is quite focused on it.  To take care of some of those 'bad boy' feelings he spends a lot of time in the gym and does some sort of organized fighting. (the name escaped me as soon as I read it!)

Naturally the woman he falls for is his complete opposite.  Maria's parents are immigrants who have supported their family with a restaurant.  Maria has worked hard to get a law degree and works in a good law firm - but it isn't easy being young and beautiful in her firm.

Colin has to watch every step because there is a detective who thinks he should still be in prison and he is watching closely for Colin to mess up.  And Colin doesn't plan to mess up.  But then there is that whole damsel in distress thing.  And he loves this damsel.  So when Maria is being stalked, Colin is willing to do anything - even if it is the last thing he does on the outside.

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