Saturday, March 26, 2016

This Was Not The Plan by Cristina Alger FIC Alg

I liked this book a lot!  It is the story of Charlie Goldwyn.  He is 35 and has been working like a madman at a high-pressured litigation firm and he is up for partnership.  You would think that he had it made.  But things have been tough for Charlie.  Two years before this his beloved wife, Mira, was killed in a plane crash leaving him heart-broken with a young son, Caleb, to raise.  If it weren't for his twin sister, Zadie, Charlie couldn't have survived.  She has been living with them and seeing to all of Caleb's needs while Charlie has been burying himself in work for these two years.  There have been lots of broken promises and Charlie hasn't really been much of a father.  But the partnership is all he has been thinking about.

Then one night he has a bit too much to drink and when asked to give an impromptu speech at a firm function he makes a big mistake - he tells the truth and it is captured on someone's cell phone.  By the next day Charlie is out of a job.  His sister wants a bit of a break (for the first time) and Charlie gets to actually be a day-to-day father.  He has a lot to learn.

Click for availability.

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