Friday, April 1, 2016

Far From True by Linwood Barclay MYS Bar

This is the second book of the Promise Falls trilogy.  The first one is Broken Promise.  The third one will be coming out in November 2016.  I didn't realize that when I started reading this book.  All of a sudden things started sounding a bit familiar.  I knew this was a brand new book and I couldn't have already read it.  When I figured it out I really enjoyed it.  I would highly recommend reading the first one before you start on this one.

There are several stories going on inside this novel - some of them from the previous book.  The main new one is when P.I. Cal Weaver checked out a break-in.  The owners of the house have been killed in an explosion at a drive-in movie.  The man's daughter, Lucy, is going around the house trying to figure out what could have been taken - when Cal leans on a bookcase and it moves.  What is behind is a room that was obviously been used for adult entertainment.  There is equipment for making and playing dvd's - but no dvd's in sight.

A fast-paced book that I enjoyed a lot.  I hope by next fall I can still remember everything that happened before I dig into the final book.

Click for availability.

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