Sunday, July 31, 2016

Old Age A Beginner's Guide by Michael Kinsley 305.26 Kin

This is a book for baby boomers.  Kinsley writes, "Sometimes I feel like a scout from my generation, sent out ahead to experience in my fifties what even the healthiest Boomers are going to experience in their sixties, seventies or eighties."  He is ahead of the rest of us because he has been dealing with Parkinson's for a couple of decades.  He is thinking more about the end because of it.  He writes about competitive longevity and he who has his marbles at the end are the winners.  This might sound like a depressing book but I found it entertaining and at times thought-provoking.  I liked his take on this time of life. Another quote I loved was: "The easiest way to shuffle off to Buffalo with a good reputation is to earn it legitimately.  If you want to be remembered as a good person, then try to be a good person.  Who knows?  It might just work. But start now, because if you're a boomer, time is running out."

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