Monday, December 10, 2007

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

This book is a follow-up to The Kite Runner, the author's first novel. It is the story of two women, whose lives become intertwined in Afghanistan. With life in Afghanistan as the backdrop, this novel shows how the lives of Mariam and Laila, neighbors who become friends and allies, are affected.

I enjoyed the book for the insight it gave me into a current topic. Sometimes it was difficult reading but worth it in the end.

1 comment:

Portugal said...

This is a story of heartbreak, fear, but most importantly love. Mariam goes from a child whose father is ashamed of her, to a vital part of Laila, and her daughter Aziza's, life. "Love had never been declared for her so guilelessly, so unreservedly" (226). Mariam and Laila both experienced their fare share of death and destruction as they grew up, even though they were both of different generations.