Saturday, May 23, 2009

Still Life by Joy Fielding

Fielding always does a great job of very readable books with suspense but no gore! The main character in this novel is Casey Marshall. Casey's parents were killed in a plane crash but they left her to be executor of their large estate. Since Casey's sister Drew is not a very stable person, Casey has put her on a monthly allowance so that she doesn't blow all of her money.
Mostly Casey's life is good - good husband, good friends, good career, etc. Then she is hit by a car and ends up comatose in the hospital. The doctors and her husband are talking about brain damage, ventilators, letting her die etc. But wait - Casey is actually awake inside. She just can't get her body to respond to her. So there she lies and listens to lots of conversations. Of course the burning question is - "Whom can you trust?" Read the book and find out!

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