Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Game Change by John Heilmann 324.973

When this book was published I had had enough of politics and really didn't want to relive it so soon! As I began to see promos for the HBO movie I decided I might be at the place that I could now enjoy it. That movie only covers a small part of the book - there is enough material for a mini-series or two! As most of you already know, this is the story of the 2008 Presidential campaign. As I read it there were many, many parts where I could actually still hear the people saying those words - which may or may not have added to the enjoyment of the book. I would love to talk to someone who is not of my political persuasion and compare my take on the book to his. I thought it was not flattering to any of the presidential (and V.P.) hopefuls. I seriously doubt that a truly nice, truly honest person can be elected to any office (other than local of course!) in this day and age. You must need a little of that killer instinct (and very thick skin) to run. At times I felt sorry for the candidates. At times I was disappointed in their conduct or in their language. I don't think that I am a prude, but really can't they think of at least a few different adjectives so that they don't have to use the same one over and over and over...... If you are at all interested in politics or politicians I think you will like this book!

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