Sunday, September 30, 2012

you are the love of my life by Susan Richards Shreve FIC Shr

This is a story about a lots of family secrets.  When it begins it is 1951 in Washington D.C.. Lucy Baldwin's mother pulls her car up in front of a house that her husband has been working on.  They had bought it for an investment and there were some things that needed to be done before new tenants moved it.  Lucy jumps out of the car to go deliver a reminder to her dad about a dinner that night.  But what Lucy discovers is that her father has killed himself.  Then the story skips to 1973 and Lucy Painter is moving into that house with her two kids.  They are leaving behind New York City which is more expensive and also because Lucy wants to distance herself from Rueben, the father of her children - although they only know him as Uncle Rueben.  Lucy tries to keep herself isolated from everyone so that no one will find out that her real name is Baldwin and connect it to the suicide.  I enjoyed the book.  Her new neighborhood is filled with people we have all met at sometime or other!  And their stories are an integral part of the story.  Of course there is also the back story of Rueben and Lucy's parents.  I enjoyed it a lot.

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