Saturday, October 24, 2015

Bald is Better with Earrings by Andrea Hutton 616.99 Hut

This is a very quick read.  The subtitle is "A Survivor's guide to Getting Through Breast Cancer."  So now you know what the book is about!  Being six months into a fourteen month breast cancer 'journey' myself I probably have a different take on the book than others might.  First of all you have to remember that when people write books like this it is usually because they have a long story to tell - I could write mine in about one chapter.  Ms. Hutton had a lot of things happen to her that did not happen to me.  So if you are newly diagnosed don't get freaked out!  That being said she does a wonderful job of sharing the emotional ups and downs that she went through (and still does).  Her description of appointments and procedures is spot on.  There are many moments of levity throughout the book.

I would really recommend this book for people who have a spouse, family member or friend.  It will give you a good perspective of what it is all about.  For someone who is going through this, you will pick up some good suggestions.  Well worth reading!

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