Sunday, April 24, 2016

Girl in the Dark by Marion Pauw FIC Pau

Ms. Pauw is Dutch and she won an award that is given annually for the best Dutch crime novel.  This award is called the Golden Noose Award!  That should assure you that this is a good book.

Iris had a good job as a lawyer and was a confident woman.  Then she got pregnant and her world changed.  She loves her son, Aaron, but he is a challenge with his behavior and outbursts.  Her confidence has been eroded since she became a single mother. Because of Aaron she had to look for a part-time job.  It seemed a miracle that she finally got an offer working three days a week. Iris' mother, Agatha, has never been a warm fuzzy mother but she gets along well with Aaron and watches him sometimes.  When Aaron is at Agatha's he is always calmed down by watching the large salt-water aquarium.

Iris has never understood why Agatha has this aquarium.  But that aquarium actually leads Iris to an astonishing discovery.  She has an older brother named Ray.  Soon Iris begins to search for this deep dark secret.  And what a secret it is!  A great book.  I read it in a day because I wanted to know what happened!

Click for availability.

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