Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Hamilton Affair by Elizabeth Cobbs FIC Cob

In a nutshell, this is the fictionalized story of the marriage of Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Schuyler. I've listened too many times to count to the soundtrack from the Broadway musical "Hamilton."  From that I've gained a basic knowledge of the life of this famous American.  To fill out the edges, I tried to read the bestseller Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow.  It is, to say the least, long.  Someday maybe I'll be able to plow through it!

This version of the love story between Alexander and Eliza filled in many of the gaps left by incomplete reading.

Hamilton was one of the most controversial figures of the American Revolution.  Complicated, charming, pig-headed, stubborn, he nevertheless loved his wife and family beyond measure.  In the end, defending his honor led to his death in a duel.  Eliza, devastated at his loss, lived for fifty years after his death and worked to clear his name as well as establishing the first orphanage in New York City.

Some books are hard to read - not because they aren't good but because you know how it's going to end and you want desperately to change it.  Such was the case with this book.  Historical figures came to life and made me want to go back and take another stab at the non-fiction version of these two lives.

Click for availability. 

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