Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff define every presidency by Chris Whipple 973.92 Whi

I am a bit of a political junkie and this book was just up my alley.   The gatekeepers are the White House Chiefs of Staff.  The title was first used by Haldeman under President Nixon.  It is a fascinating read - especially since I was reading about these former Chiefs of Staff while a Chief of Staff was being fired on my television!

I really didn't understand how important that position is for the success of a president.  Some Presidents seemed to be aware of that before they ever took office - others learned the hard way.
I really don't know how anyone can last in the job for any length of time.

Whipple did a great job of introducing us to the men (no women so far) who have held this vital position.  He interviewed the 17 men who have held this job and I learned a lot of things that I didn't know before.

Click for availability.

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