Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Marriage Pact by Michelle Richmond FIC Ric

This book is not a typical book about a couple’s marriage.  It was very intriguing and I couldn’t wait to see where it was going!   Alice is in love with Jake but not very excited about making a commitment.  Jake is afraid that Alice will be lost to him if they don’t get married.  She used to be a singer with a rock band but is now having a successful career as a lawyer. Jake is a psychologist in a practice.  When he proposes and Alice says “okay” he is ecstatic.  They get married in a pasture with a large group of friends and family - and Liam and Fiona Finnegan.  Alice had worked on a case for Finnegan and when he heard she was getting married he mentioned he loved weddings.  She said he was welcome to come not thinking they would really come.  The Finnegan's showed up and brought a gift.  It contains a “pact” which will make their marriage last forever.

Finnegan explains that someone will come and explain it to them. They thought some rules made sense and others seemed a bit over the top.  But they “signed” it.  And before long their lives are out of control.

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