Monday, March 19, 2018

The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning 648.5 Mag

I have always loved organizing and decluttering books because I spent decades trying to find the secret to success in these two areas.  I hadn't read any for a year or so because I think I found the secret. (I got old enough that I am just not interested in dealing with stuff and it lead to a lot of cleaning out!).  So, why did I read it?  I loved the title and had to find out more.

Margareta Magnusson writes a great book!  We don't know how old she is (she always says "between 80 and 100") but she has a lot of knowledge that she is willing to share.  She quickly points out that despite the 'death' word it doesn't mean that you have to wait until your time is almost up!  The idea is to do it sooner rather than later so that someone else doesn't have to deal with your stuff!

It isn't a long book at all.  I think everyone could benefit by spending a couple of hours reading it and then begin to 'let go'.

Click for availability.

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