Thursday, July 24, 2008

King Corn dvd

This movie is a documentary that was shown on PBS. You will never look at your food the same way and you will be reading more labels. Two young men from the East find out through analysis of hair that they have a lot of corn in them! So they decide to find out more. Incredibly (it's a small world!) they both had great-grandfathers who farmed in the same small town in Iowa. They travel to Iowa and rent an acre to grow their own corn. That is sort of fun to watch. Then they get into feeding cattle (it's not nice what they do) and all of the corn syrup that is used for sweetening - can we say link to obesity and diabetes? This is not a fast-paced movie. There are many funny parts and it is educational - no wonder they say ignorance is bliss.
It is worth 90 minutes of your time.

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