Saturday, September 5, 2009

Harry Truman's Excellent Adventure by Matthew Algeo

In 1953, just a few months removed from the presidency, Harry and Bess Truman set off from their home in Independence, MO, to points east. Naively hoping to remain incognito and without any kind of security, they traveled to Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, PA (where Truman gave his first post-office speech), and New York City to visit daughter Margaret. They ate in diners, stayed in motels and with friends, and were recognized everywhere they went.

This book was fun to read. Interspersed among the details of the trip, the author includes details that make both Harry and Bess real and intensely likable. It wasn't necessarily light and breezy but I passed the time with the Trumans quickly and in good time - and enjoyed every mile of the trip.

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