Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Arcadia Falls by Carol Goodman

This was a quick and interesting read. Arcadia Falls was an art colony back in the early part of the 20th century. Today it is a private school with an emphasis on art. Meg is on her way there to begin her teaching career. Meg's husband died unexpectedly the year before and left her in a financial mess. To support herself and her daughter, Sally, Meg has sold her house and left the easy life behind.
Meg is worried that Sally will hate having to change schools, but she fits in surprisingly well and soon has friends. One of her friends (and one of Meg's students) dies after a school bonfire when she plunges into a ravine. It was part of a ritual the students put on every year (the bonfire part, not the plunging into the ravine!). Was it an accident or murder?????
The other part of the story involves some research that Meg wants to do for her PhD. It involves the lives of the artists who lived at Arcadia Falls.
Good book - I enjoyed the plots and the characters.

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