Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Medium Next Door by Maureen Hancock 133.9 Han

As soon as this book was cataloged I knew that all other books would be stopped immediately so that I could read this one! I love reading about psychics and the afterlife. Hancock tells her story of growing up and trying to hide her abilities. After a bad car accident the voices that she had tried so hard to suppress came back full-force. She started using her gift, but it was only after 9/11 when she was bombarded with spirits wanting to get messages to their loved ones that she truly accepted her gift as a wonderful thing. Maureen has comforted the dying and the families of the dying. She has assisted law enforcement with the search for missing people. She is involved with her two nonprofit organizations. If you feel that no way is any of this true, then of course you won't be checking out this book! However, if you are open (even a little) to this idea, please take the time to read it. I think you will find it to be very comforting.

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