Monday, February 27, 2012

MWF Seeking BFF: My Yearlong Search for a New Best Friend by Rachel Bertsche 070.92 Ber

Only once in my life have I had to move to a place where I didn't know a single person. That was when I had graduated from Simpson and left to go to Muscatine and teach. It is very scary and lonely to be away from your support system. My take-home pay was about $400/ month - and my phone bill was over $40. But it was money well-spent - it saved my sanity. Rachel Bertsche is not totally alone - she is newly married and her mother moved to Chicago also. The point of the book, however, is that husbands and mothers cannot replace girlfriends. This is the story of how she tried to find new friends. There are many amusing stories but what I especially liked was the research about friends that she includes in the book. Research shows that it really is hard to make friends when you are all grown-up. Yet it is vital to your health and happiness that you have your friends!!! I think most women will enjoy this book and after reading it I think everyone will be more likely to be a little more open to "the new girl in town".

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