Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How We Did It by Nancy B. Kennedy 613025 Ken

If you are looking for a weight-loss program or maybe just a bit of inspiration, you might want to read all or part of this book. Kennedy has interviewed a lot of people to find out how they did it! For some people it was a matter of counting calories, for others it was joining a program like Weight Watchers and still others had their own way of fighting the bulge. Bottom line (pun intended) - they were all successful. It was also interesting to read what the turning point was for these people because like most of us they had lost and regained weight in the past. It won't take you long to read and you might just decide to put down the brownie. I know I'm going to........tomorrow.

1 comment:

Nancy B. Kennedy said...

Did you put the brownie down?!?

Thanks for this nice review of How We Did It.

I put down the brownies and lost 30 pounds. I sincerely hope my book helps other people find their way to success.