Saturday, December 26, 2015

Host by Robin Cook FIC Coo

This novel is similar to others by Cook - but that's okay because I like his medical thrillers!  In his latest Lynn Peirce is finishing up medical school.  She is in a committed relationship with her boyfriend Carl.  He becomes a patient in her hospital when he has to have some routine surgery.  When she can she slips away to go check on him and expecting to find him groggy but fine.  Instead she discovers that he has not regained consciousness after the procedure.  According to the MRI he has suffered brain death.  She is devastated.  When she finally excepts the prognosis she wants to learn more about what went wrong.  Her lab partner, Michael, is drawn into the mystery.

What they uncover is that there are a lot of people having complications from anesthesia.  As they dig deeper and deeper they start getting death threats - hmmmm I think they might have discovered a deep dark secret.  The story line will remind you a bit of Coma from Cook's earlier days.

An entertaining read - as long as you don't have any surgery planned!!!

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