Saturday, February 6, 2016

Banquet of Consequences by Elizabeth George FIC Geo

The books of Elizabeth George are very British!  Lots of detail and great detective work done the old fashion way.  Part of the intrigue of these books for me is to catch up on George's recurring characters - Inspector Thomas Lynley and his partner Barbara Havers.  Barbara likes to go rogue in her professional work and now she is paying for it.  She is on a very short leash.  But Lynley still has confidence in her ability to do the job.

A man named William Goldacre has committed suicide and his death leads to many consequences for those around him.  And there is the murder of a famous writer.  Her assistant happens to be Caroline Goldacre, the grieving mother of the suicide.  I want to tell you that the Goldacre family is very bizarre with lots of dark secrets.  It is a long book but I enjoyed it all.

Click for availability.

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