Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Bookshop of Yesterdays by Amy Meyerson FIC Mey

I think I have loved every book I've ever read which has to do with a bookshop!  This one is no exception.  When Miranda Brooks thinks back to her childhood it is always filled with wonderful memories of trips to Prospero Books which was owned by her uncle Billy.  It wasn't just the books that she loved.  He also shared with her his love of riddles and he set up many scavenger hunts for her.  On her 12th birthday there is an argument between Billy and her mother and he is no longer in her life despite her attempts to contact him.

Miranda grows up and moves across the country.  She has a teaching job she loves and is in a serious relationship.  Her life takes an unexpected turn when she finds out that Billy has died and left his bookshop to her.  She returns home and discovers that Billy has left her the ultimate scavenger hunt.

I loved the characters and the mystery that surrounded the falling-out between her mother and her beloved uncle.

Click for availability.

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