Thursday, December 12, 2013

the first phone call from heaven by Mitch Albom FIC Alb

If you are a fan of Mitch Albom's books (The Five People You Meet in HeavenTuesdays with Morrie and others) I think you will enjoy his latest.  Well, the title gives away the gist of the book!  The story takes place in a small town, Coldwater, Michigan.  Like all towns, big or small, there are people who are hurting or emotionally wounded because they have lost a loved one.  And one day a phone rings and a woman named Tess answers and hears the voice of her mother - who has been dead for four years.  Later the police chief receives a call from his son who was killed in the war two years ago.  Seven people are chosen to receive these special calls.  All of these people kept the news to themselves for a while.  When the word does get out Coldwater becomes an overnight media circus as everyone flocks to hear about the calls from heaven.  Is there really a miracle happening here?  Sully Harding has returned to Coldwater after serving time in prison.  He doesn't believe.  His little son, however, does and he wants to talk to his mommy in Heaven.  So Sully sets out to disprove the miracles.  Albom did such a good job of drawing me into the story that I was regretting the times that I ignored the phone calls that came up as Unavailable - maybe, just maybe I should have answered. 

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