Friday, February 8, 2019

This Blessed Earth by Ted Genoways (630 Gen)

The subtitle of this book is "A Year in the Life of an American Family Farm" and that's exactly what it is.  And more.

From fall 2014 through summer 20115, Genoways follows the family of Rick Hammond as they farm and make decisions for the family farm.  Located in eastern Nebraska, Rick married into the farm when he married his wife, Heidi, but he grew up on a farm in western Nebraska.  Now with his daughter, Meghan, and her boyfriend, Kyle, they plan and worry and explain modern farming to the author.  Meghan is the sixth generation to work the land; by the end of the book, there will be a seventh generation.

The "more" that I mentioned comes from the explanations of current farming practices that Genoways gives.  Starting with farming history in the 1800s, he explains the growth of genetically modified seeds, how politics have influenced farming practices and the efforts of farmers to make a living while also conserving the land.  And still more.

The history makes this book take longer to read than I expected.  But I came away with a better understanding of what farmers face as well as a renewed sense of admiration for what they do.

This is the 2019 All Iowa Reads book - and every Iowan should read it.

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