Friday, August 28, 2015

My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me by Jennifer Teege 929.2 Tee

I have read many books about WWII and the Holocaust.  Mostly they are books that take place during that actual time period.  This book was different.  If you saw the movie Schindler's List you may remember the Nazi who was in charge of a concentration camp and delighted in shooting random Jews from the balcony of his mansion.  His name was Amon Goeth.  He was also known as the Nazi "butcher of Plaszow".  In 1946 he was executed for his crimes.

Jennifer Teege is a beautiful German-Nigerian woman who was born in 1970.  Her childhood wasn't very easy.  Her mother took her to an orphanage and left her with nuns - she was four weeks old.  Her mother would take her home from time to time for visits - usually with her grandmother.  At the age of 3 she was taken out of the orphanage by a foster family.  She continued to have some contact with her mother and grandmother.  Her foster family adopted her and she was lucky to have found such a loving family.

As an adult Jennifer got married and had two sons.  She also continued to suffer from a depression that had haunted her since she was young.  One day she was at the library and looking in the section dealing with depression.  A book caught her eye - I Have To Love My Father, Don't I?.  Not recognizing the name of the author she pulled the book off the shelf.  The subtitle contained a name she knew well.  Monika Goeth was her mother's name - and there was a picture of her.

The book tells the story of Jennifer's biological family as well as her own life story both before and after she learned the truth.  It is a very powerful book.  I never thought about the descendants of the most despicable people from the war.  For them the war will never be totally over.

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