Monday, August 10, 2015

The Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen (FIC Joh)

At the close of the first book in this trilogy (Queen of the Tearling), Kelsea Glynn, the newly crowned queen, had liberated her country from the crushing burden of supplying slaves to the dominating neighbors on their border.  But as relieved and grateful as everyone was, this decision came at a cost.  And that cost is at hand - the dominating army of Mortmesne is gathered on the border ready to invade and achieve almost certain victory.

As Kelsea struggles to find her way in her new duties she also becomes entwined in the life of Lily Mayhew.  Lily lived more than three centuries before...before the Crossing that created the Tearling.  How and why are these visions appearing to Kelsea and why are they significant?

Kelsea is determined to save her kingdom but isn't sure which way to turn.  Will Lily's memories show her the way?  Is it the strange apparition that appears through fire that holds the key to victory?  Or the Fetch, the mysterious man who helped her in the past?  Or is the secret wrapped up in the two sapphires that she wears around her neck and whose powers she often doubts even as she feels herself changing and becoming more powerful?

I loved the first book in this series (it was one of my favorite books of 2014) and couldn't wait to dive into this one.  But it didn't grab me in the same way as the first one had.  I wasn't even sure I liked it.  Reviewers often say that sequels aren't as good as the first one....

And then all of a sudden, it all started to make sense.  Kelsea's attempts to find her way through the morass that she has created, her connection to Lily, all collided and I was hooked.  My 50 page goal turned into 150 pages read and then before I knew it I was done.  I like the book for the author's vision of a world where people are trying to right wrongs done in the past, for the strength of the main character and for the well-defined people who surround her.  I even like the elements of mysticism and magic which are not something I usually go for.

I can't wait for the conclusion.

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