Tuesday, September 8, 2015

We Never Asked for Wings by Vanessa Diffenbaugh (FIC Dif)

Letty is 33 and the single mother of two children - Alex, 15 almost 16, and Luna, 6.  For all of their lives they have lived with Letty's parents.  While Letty worked whatever jobs she could find, her parents raised her children.  Now, suddenly, her parents have decided to return to Mexico and Letty, for the first time, must be a mother to her children.

Luna desperately misses her grandparents and Alex is falling in love with a classmate and unwilling to give his mother many chances.  When Letty figures out a way to improve her children's chances by enrolling them in a better school district their lives change.  Luna loves her new school but Alex is torn between the many new and intellectual challenges he faces and his worry for his girlfriend who must attend the high school in their old neighborhood and faces bullying.

Determined to make this work, Letty also receives help from her co-worker, Rick, and her high school sweetheart (and Alex's father), Wes.  Torn between these two very different men and what is best for her children, Letty navigates her life doing the best she can.  Until things fall apart.

I loved this author's first book and couldn't wait to dive into this novel.  I wasn't disappointed.  She manages to make all of her characters sympathetic and believable.  While I often wanted to reach through the pages of the book and shake Letty, her guilt at how she had lived made me like her.  Alex's struggle with how to help his girlfriend made me worry but was completely understandable.  The author also managed to help me understand better the lives of people who live below the radar and just how frightening that can be.

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