Monday, January 26, 2009

Lady Macbeth by Susan Fraser King

Though Lady Macbeth will bring to mind images of murder and witches, this book has shed new light on the TRUE Lady Macbeth, and will remind us that even though Shakespeare was an exceptionally talented and gifted playwright, he was in NO SENSE a historian. I will give him credit for looking back in history for inspiration, but he really ignored the true drama, and sensationalized characters to fit his own plots. On the flip side, Susan Fraser King has produced an incredible piece of fiction based on extensive research of 11th century Scotland and understanding of Gaelic and Pictish culture. Here is a true heroine of Scotland that now invokes image of Boudicca rather than a demented queen from Shakespeare's imagination. Not familiar with Shakespeare's play? Then don't worry, this read will entertain, inspire, and transport you to the age of pre-Norman Britain and Vikings. I highly reccommend this book.

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