Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lost Souls by Lisa Jackson

Every time I unpack a box of books there are vampire books - everyone is writing about them. Well I don't read that stuff - except I just did! But in this book there really isn't a true vampire - just a wanna be, and he's not in the middle of a Jane Austen story and there aren't young innocent girls drooling at his feet. So I feel that I am reading a much higher class of vampire literature!
Our heroine is Kristi Bentz. I think she might have been in an early book because she certainly had a harrowing adventure earlier in her life! As this book opens Kristi has recovered from her traumatic attack and is ready to leave her dad's home and get back to a real life. She want to be the next Ann Rule and write a true crime book. She also needs some more education to get the proper background in forensics and in writing. So she goes back to her former school called All Saints College - there seems to be some real crime there. Four girls have disappeared in the past two years and no one seems to care. It is presumed that they are dropouts.
Kristi does some sleuthing of her own. She also contends with her freshman roommate who is now a professor at the college. They weren't friends then and they aren't now either. And here is an even bigger coincidence - Jay is a former lover and is now filling in as a prof in a class that Kristi has just signed up for!
One can guess about the romantic involvement that is bound to happen, but I still enjoyed the mystery and the shadowy characters. Now that I too have read a vampire book, I think I'll move on to something else!

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