Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I'll Walk Alone by Mary Higgins Clark

I always enjoy reading Clark's books! One of the fears we face in the 21st century is identity theft and now it has happened to Zan. She has a promising career as an interior designer in NYC - but that is compromised when she finds someone is using her credit cards and messing with her bank accounts. She is worried that her reputation will be ruined. That would be bad enough but things are about to get worse. Her son, Matthew, was kidnapped two years ago when he was at the park with a babysitter who fell asleep. Now on Matthew's fifth birthday a photo is found that shows the kidnapper - but it looks like Zan. She knows she is innocent - or else she is deeply disturbed. She has to fight to clear her name and find out what happened to her son.
Zan gets some help from Alvirah , the lottery winner and amateur detective from a previous book. Mary Higgins Clark - always a good read!

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