Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Save Me by Lisa Scottoline

I have read most of Scottoline's mystery books and her non-fiction and have loved them all. This one is different from her others because it is not focused on lawyers. It was a great read! It will, however, make you think twice about volunteering for anything!
Rose McKenna has volunteered to be a lunchroom mom at her daughter's school. Rose's family is new in town and she wants to make a good impression and also make sure her daughter Melly is not being teased about her birthmark. She finds out that Melly has spent many a lunch hour hiding in the restroom. On this day she hears two girls saying something that sends Melly into hiding once again. She asks them to stay for a minute after everyone else runs out of the cafeteria for recess so that she can have a talk with them. And then there is a terrible explosion with smoke and flames. Rose has to make a split-second decision. Does she help these two girls before searching for her own daughter? Her impulse is to rush to Melly, but she can't leave the two girls. So she sees them to safety first. She is a hero! That is before she became the target of a civil suit and also criminal charges. It was a great book!!!!!!!!

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