Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe 616.994 Sch

This was a very touching book.  Schwalbe tells the story of the last years of his mother's life.  His mother, Mary Anne, led quite the life.  She spent a lot of it working on humanitarian causes in different parts of the world.  Her latest passion was getting libraries in Afghanistan.  When she returned from one of her trips she wasn't feeling well.  Often she would pick up one bug or another on these trips and it might take months for her to return to full-steam.  This time her doctors thought she had a rare hepatitis - but it turned out to be advanced pancreatic cancer.  Mary Anne's husband and children were all very supportive in their own ways.  Will doesn't talk about them much because he believes that is their story to share - or not.  Will and his mom (along with the rest of the family) have always loved and devoured books.  Now while Will goes with his mom for her chemo they naturally talk about books - which is often just another way of talking about their own lives, fears and beliefs.  Some of the books they discuss are ones that I have read.  Some I haven't but are now on a list of books to check out some day.  This book won't appeal to everyone because it doesn't grab you at the beginning and make you want to stay up late reading it - but I liked it.

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