Friday, December 12, 2014

Us by David Nicholls FIC Nic

Do opposites attract?  Well, Douglas Petersen is nagged into going to a dinner at his sister's 25 years ago.  He is a stereo-type of a scientist.  His sister's friends are free spirits and Douglas wants nothing more than to leave.  But when he does it is with one of those free spirits names Connie.  Does the attraction last forever? Douglas assumes it will last.  Things aren't always peaceful in their home.  Their 17-year old son, Albie, drives Douglas crazy and it leads to a lot of fights but still - they are a family.  Then one night Connie wakes up Douglas to tell him that she thinks their marriage has run its course and that she thinks she wants to leave him.  She isn't in any hurry.  They have a big trip to Europe planned for that summer - a last family trip before Albie goes to university.  She thinks they should of course go through with it.
And so they go.  Douglas drives his family crazy with his constant reading of guide books.  Albie drives Douglas crazy.  Albie wants some freedom - he doesn't want to hang around with his parents.  It is the trip from hell.
I loved this book.  Douglas is not someone I would like to spend a lot of time with - yet I found myself really loving him.  He truly can't help being who he is.  I also felt a lot of empathy and understanding for Connie and Albie.   This book was funny and sad.  It was depressing and uplifting. It was a good book!

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