Sunday, November 5, 2017

Pieces of Happiness by Anne Ostby FIC Ost

From out of the blue, four high school friends receive a letter from Kat, another friend, who has invited them all to join her in Figi and live with her on her cocoa farm.  Maybe they'll just sit and talk and relive old times.  Maybe they'll actually do something with all the cocoa on her farm.  And maybe none of them will want to come.  But the invitation is there.

One by one, they all arrive at Kat's farm.  Sina, a single mother who is disappointed in her middle-aged son.  Ingrid, solid and dependable but who nurses an inner adventurer who longs to be free.  Lisbeth, who has always relied on her beauty and good marriage.  And Maya who is facing the beginnings of Alzheimer's.

Now in their mid-sixties, all five women find themselves changed over time yet some of what they were in high school remains.  As they get to know one another again, they also adjust to island life.  And come to love it and the people who live there.  And then one day, Ingrid asks why they can't make chocolate from the cocoa beans - and sell little "pieces of happiness" that are also good for you.

Gradually what made these women who they are is revealed.  And as it was, I found myself caring for each of them and hoping they would be able to break free and live new lives.

What a delight to read a book about older women with problems I could relate to!

Click for availability.

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