Friday, November 3, 2017

The Salt House by Lisa Duffy FIC Duf

A family can have a perfect life - just the usual financial challenges and some stress from renovating the dream house they hope to move into soon.  It takes one event to make that all crumble.  When the novel opens Hope and Jack Kelly have a marriage that is coming apart.  Their daughters, Jess and Kat, have lost the happy family and are having their own private pain.  All of this misery began one year before when the family was thrown into a grief so dark than no one can get out of it.  Hope had put her youngest daughter, Maddie, into her crib for a nap while she tried to get her column written.  Not wanting Maddie to nap too long Hope went to wake her up - but she didn't.  They found a small necklace in her throat.

Hope keeps the ashes in her closet because she can't deal with her grief.  Jack is working himself to death at his fishing business because he can't deal with his grief.  When it seems that things can't get any worse Jack's fishing territory is being threatened by a guy named Ryland who had moved back to town and seems intent on carrying on a feud that started years ago.

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