Saturday, November 11, 2017

Swimming Lessons by Claire Fuller FIC Ful

When I finished this book I immediately looked up this author on the Library’s website to see if I could get Fuller’s previous book - I’ll start it tonight!

Gil Coleman has been a professor and a one-hit wonder author.  He married Ingrid and they had two daughters, Flora and Nan.  For years Ingrid wrote letters to her husband about their marriage - the truth as she knew it.  She didn’t give them to Gil.  Instead she hid them in books.  Gil has collected thousands of books over the years and what he loves about them is finding notes or doodles in the margins and pieces of paper left in them.  After the last letter was written Ingrid went down to the beach (as was her daily habit) - but she never returned and no trace of her was found.  It devastated her daughters who still miss her and hope for her return.

It’s been 12 years since Ingrid has disappeared.  As Gil is going through old books in the upstairs of a bookstore he looks out the window and thinks he sees Ingrid.  He rushes to get to her but he falls and ends up in the hospital.  Flora and Nan try to work together to take care of Gil after they find out he is quite ill and becoming senile also.  Slowly throughout the book we are taken back in time by reading the letters that Ingrid wrote.  They are interspersed with the present day story.

This book was not your run-of-the-mill book!  I loved it.

Click for availability.

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