Monday, January 17, 2011

LEFT neglected by Lisa Genova

First of all, if you have not read her first book "Still Alice", stop reading this blog and go check it out. It was one of my top 10 favorites of this century! Her second novel did not disappoint me. I've been checking for a year to see when it would come out. I checked it out yesterday and read it straight through. It was interesting and entertaining. It is the story of Sarah Nickerson who has a life that sadly is very typical in today's society. She has a high-stress job ( often working up to 70 hours a week), three kids and a husband. She is doing it all and surviving. Until one day she isn't. An accident causes a brain injury that literally erases her left side - at least in her brain. She cannot move her left side, she can not see on the left side, etc. This is a real trauma. Remember that Lisa Genova has a doctorate in neuroscience from Harvard - she isn't just making this up. Well, she is making up the part about the family, the accident, etc. - but left neglected is a real condition to many people. What Sarah goes through is what real people endure.
Wonderful read. I highly recommend it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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