Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Escape by Barbara Delinsky

I can't imagine that every woman has not thought of escaping her life at one time or another - even if only for a day. That is why it is easy for the reader to understand Emily and her 'escape'. She lives in Manhattan with her husband Tim. Well, 'live' might be a bit overstated. They reside there but as for living, there is not a lot of that. Both she and Tim are lawyers. Tim is hoping to become a partner in his law firm in a few months, so he has been working insane hours. Emily thought she would take her law degree and help victims of corporate greed/abuse. Part of it came true. She spends her days calling victims - but she is doing it to help the corporation, not the victims. And is she at least calling from a comfortable office? No. It's a cubicle. One day she has had it. She walks out of work, packs and drives away (in her husband's car that he is very fond of!). None of this was planned but she soon knows where she is headed. During college she spent a summer in New Hampshire. Before the invention of the cell phone I am sure it was much easier to escape. But Emily has to try and explain to her husband, to her boss and to her parents what she is doing - pretty tough because she doesn't know what she is doing! An entertaining book.

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