Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This Beautiful Life by Helen Schulman

The Bergamots are a normal middle-class family in the process of transitioning to a different life. They have left a small college town to move to New York City. It is a great career move for Richard. His wife Liz has given up her academic life to see that the children get settled in. Jake is 15 and although he was nervous about finding friends, he has landed in a group at his private school. Coco is the six-year-old whom they adopted from Chinese. One of her new friends is having a birthday night at the Plaza Hotel (with mothers invited!). Jake is off that night to his own party. It is not chaperoned and things are a bit wild. Daisy, an eighth-grader, finds Jake attractive and makes some advances. Jake tells her she is too young and thinks that is the end of it. But the next morning he receives an email with an attachment from Daisy that is rated XXX. He should have deleted it but instead he forwards it to his friend Henry. Henry calls Jake immediately but it goes to voice mail before he can answer. By the time he retrieves the message from Henry, it has been forwarded on, and on and on. This is the story of how social media can ruin lives in the blink of an eye. It is a horror story if you have kids who have access to computers. I don't, but I still found it to be very scary.

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