Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua

We don't own this book, but it is available to be checked out as an e-book. This was my first e-book that I have checked out and read. All of the staff has been checking out and returning e-books so that we could become proficient enough to help all of you patrons who received e-readers for Christmas! During one of my practice sessions I saw this book and decided to put a hold on it. I downloaded it on Friday and was able to return it on Saturday - because it read quickly and I really liked it. It caused a lot of controversy when it was published - and it was easy to see why. Amy grew up in America but raised by a traditional Chinese mother. (Although Amy's mom is Chinese, she points out that anyone can be a Chinese mother!). As a former teacher I can tell you that most teachers were thrilled to see a name on their rosters that seemed to be Asian - because normally they were kids that would do what was asked of them - and more!. They tended to have Chinese mothers. It would take too long to tell you what a Chinese mother does. Suffice it to say you will probably be as shocked as I was. This book is the story of the marriage between a Chinese Catholic woman and a White Jewish man who had two daughters. Amy is going to raise her girls the way she was raised. It worked well with daughter number one - and not so well with daughter number two! I know one thing. I would not have the stamina to be a Chinese mother (or the daughter of one) for even a week! Well worth reading - it will keep you thinking for quite a while.

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