Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Wedding Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini

I have listened to this entire series on audio books. They are entertaining stories and I usually learn a little history a long the way. This one was not as enjoyable. There was a lot of jumping around and I got the impression that maybe this is the last in the series because Chiaverini seemed to be wrapping up several threads from previous books. The book begins with an invitation to the wedding of Caroline. I hadn't paid attention to the date - and was very confused by the fact that she was old enough to marry. Well the year is 2028! There are lots of updates on characters from Elm Creek but don't ask me - too many to remember! So although this was my least favorite from the series I have to recommend that you read it if you have read all of the others. I would be curious to know what others thought of this book.

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